What are the Alternatives to Dental Crowns?

alternatives to crowns

You might be a little alarmed if your dentist has suggested a dental crown. A dental crown is intended to repair a broken tooth. However, factors such as cost, convenience, and the appearance of the tooth are also important to patients. Understanding the alternatives to crowns can help you choose the option that suits you best. […]

Methods for Tooth Pain Relief in an Emergency

emergency tooth pain relief

Tooth pain can be debilitating and drastically affect your quality of life. The constant throbbing pain and swelling in the mouth can prevent you from eating, drinking or talking comfortably and will have you frantically searching for an “emergency dentist near me”. However, before you can get yourself in a dentist’s chair, it is important […]

How Same-Day Crowns are Made and Applied

Same-Day Crowns

When it comes to dental procedures, waiting weeks for a crown can be difficult. This is one of the main reasons why people are afraid of visiting a dentist. Luckily, recent advancements in cosmetic dentistry have made it easier for patients to receive instant treatments. One such advancement is same-day crowns.  If you are wondering […]

5 Helpful Tips for When Your Kid Starts Losing Teeth

Kid Losing Teeth

Tooth loss in children is a common occurrence. The timing of when your child starts losing teeth may vary. Many children begin to lose their baby teeth around the age of 6; however, for some kids, the process may start a little earlier. Many children are happy to notice that their teeth are beginning to […]

Understanding Tooth Erosion, Dental Attrition, and Abrasion

Tooth erosion and tooth abrasion may sound like one thing. However, they are two different things that cause wear and tear of tooth tissues in both cases. There are multiple ways in which attrition of teeth can occur and can be defined. In this blog, we will take an in-depth look into the distinction between […]

Oral Surgeon or General Dentist: Who Is Right For You?

oral surgeon vs dentist

If you don’t know the difference between an oral surgeon vs dentist, then you’re not alone.The world of dentistry is broad, with various branches focusing on ailments that require the expertise of specific dental professionals. Many people are unaware and group all dentists together. However, dentistry includes various specializations and specialists for specific issues. To […]

How to Alleviate Tooth Cavity Pain

A cavity or hole in the tooth is caused by damage or decay. This cavity formation can also lead to excruciating pain that can make it difficult to carry on even daily activities. Damage to the teeth destroys the outer protective covering called enamel and exposes the inner dentin layer. This exposes the hole in […]

Why Do Your Teeth Hurt After Flossing?

Brushing and flossing are the fundamentals of dental hygiene. While brushing is still common, cleaning between the teeth or flossing is often a forgotten step in the daily oral hygiene routine. A lot of people experience toothache after flossing, which discourages them from practicing it. If your teeth hurt after flossing, do not fret. Pain […]

What to Do if a Tooth Falls Out as an Adult

Tooth Falls Out

When your tooth falls out, as an adult, it can lead to immense stress. While children anticipate the loss of their primary teeth, adults can suffer complications if a tooth falls off. Tooth loss can occur due to trauma, tooth caries, or periodontal infections. Tooth loss has to be countered quickly to maintain oral health […]

Is a Family Dentist Different from a General Dentist?

general and family dentistry

The words “family dentist” and “general dentist” are sometimes used interchangeably because both seek to preserve patients’ dental health and stave off illnesses. So, when both serve the same goal, what is the difference between the two? Surprisingly, there are several key differences between general and family dentistry. In this article, we will break down […]