9 Common Dental Emergencies and Their Treatment

9 Common Dental Emergencies and Their Treatment

Dental emergencies are dental problems that require instant treatment; otherwise, the situation gets worse and more critical as every minute passes. These issues cannot wait a few hours or days till you see the dentist, as they require immediate treatment. 

Dental emergencies can occur anywhere, anytime, for many different reasons. They can create worse situations if they occur at midnight and on a holiday or weekend because it ruins all your plans. Therefore, knowing how to deal with dental emergencies is crucial until you reach the emergency room.  

It is best if you act wisely as soon as dental emergencies occur. For instance, if your gums are bleeding and you experience extreme tooth pain, you first need to contact an expert emergency dentist.

Then rinse your mouth with warm water for 4 to 5 minutes to relax your gums’ muscles. This will stop the bleeding and reduce pain levels. You should try applying a cold compress outside your mouth on top of the affected areas if swelling is in your gums for instant relief. 

Keep reading to know more about dental emergencies.

9 Common Dental Emergencies

  • Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay or cavity is the most common dental emergency in the United States. This health problem occurs when plaque combines with sugars and starches from your food, producing acids that attack tooth enamel.

Cavities aren’t just common among children; you can get them at any age. Dry mouth, aging, typical enamel erosion illness, or medications are some factors that cause them. The best way to prevent tooth decay is by brushing twice & flossing once daily, eating healthy foods, avoiding high-sugar snacks or drinks, and getting regular dental check-ups. 

  • Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, makes people feel very embarrassed. Dental conditions like gum disease, cavities, oral cancer, dry mouth, and bacteria on the tongue are the primary culprits in people with persistent bad breath. 

You can use mouthwashes to treat this problem, but note that they only temporarily mask the odor. Therefore, if you have chronic bad breath, visit a dentist to discover the underlying cause. 

  • Gum (Periodontal) Disease

Gum Disease

The leading cause of adult tooth loss is gum disease. An infection in the gums surrounding your teeth can even cause heart problems. Everybody is at risk for gum disease, but it is most common after age 30.

Smoking, diabetes, and dry mouth are significant risk factors. The symptoms include:

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Bad breath
  • Red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums

Visit a professional dentist if you have any symptoms of gum disease, as treatment can prevent problems such as tooth loss.

  • Mouth Sores

Mouth Sores

Several mouth sores are bothersome, and you usually don’t need to worry about them unless they last more than 13 or 14 days. Some common mouth sores are:

  1. Thrush (oral candidiasis): It is also called yeast infection sores in the mouth and can occur in denture wearers, people with diabetes, infants, and people treated for cancer.
  2. Fever blisters/cold sores: It is caused by the ‘Herpes Simplex’ virus that occurs on the edge of the outer lips and is contagious. It comes and goes but cannot be cured.
  3. Canker sores (aphthous ulcers) occur inside your mouth and not on the lips. Canker sores are not contagious and can be triggered by numerous different causes.
  • Oral Cancer

Oral cancer affects millions of people and is more common after age 40. It is a severe and deadly disease but is often curable if it’s diagnosed and treated during the early stages. The biggest risk factors include human papillomavirus (HPV), alcohol use, and smoking or chewing tobacco.

Here are some common symptoms of mouth or throat cancer:

  • Difficulty in biting, chewing, or moving your tongue and jaw
  • Sores
  • Lumps
  • Rough areas in the mouth

Make oral cancer exams a part of their usual check-up to catch it early.

  • Tooth Erosion

Losing tooth structure is tooth erosion caused by acid attacking the enamel. Its symptoms range from sensitivity to more severe problems like tooth cracking. Tooth erosion is a common dental emergency but easily preventable with proper oral care.

  • Extreme Toothache 

Extreme Toothache - Dental Emergencies

Extreme tooth pain is another dental emergency that can be painful and scary, requiring immediate treatment as it can be because of:

  • Losing a tooth that was knocked because of an accident
  • A cracked or broken tooth
  • An abscessed tooth

Contact your dentist as soon as possible if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above. 

  • Lost filling or crown

Lost filling or crown

Fillings and crowns help restore your previously damaged teeth to optimal function and appearance. So when these break, it’s important to get them treated immediately to avoid further damage and reinfection. 

  • Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity - Dental Emergencies

Tooth sensitivity is a problem that involves pain or discomfort from hot or cold drinks, sweets, cold air, hot or cold drinks, ice cream, and many more. Sensitive teeth are painful to brush and floss, but they can be treated. So talk to a dentist about it.

Talk to a dentist about sensitivity, as it can be a sign of a cracked or abscessed tooth needing professional attention, or you risk losing a tooth or getting an infection in your jawbone.

Need an Expert Dentist for Dental Emergencies? Contact University Ave Dental now! 

Your teeth aren’t replaceable, unlike sharks’ teeth. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, brushing your teeth at least twice, and flossing once daily is critical. It’s also important to schedule dental exams and cleanings regularly. 

University Ave Dental can handle various dental emergencies and also schedule regular check-ups. So, if you need an emergency dentist, contact us now!

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