Are you also suffering from the problem of bleeding gums and bad breath? Would this be a sign of something more serious? You may be suffering from gum disease, also known as periodontal disease.

This common condition affects the gums and bones supporting our teeth and is caused by the buildup of plaque and bacteria. So the question arises, is gum disease curable?

Yes, with proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings, the early stage of gum disease, gingivitis, can often be reversed. However, if left untreated, it can progress to a more severe form known as periodontitis, leading to tooth loss and other serious health problems.

From scaling and root planning to periodontal surgery and antibiotics, we’ll break down everything you need to know to cure gum disease for good and keep your smile shining bright.

What are the Causes of Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a silent disease. That is because it doesn’t typically cause pain, so you may never know you have it. Gum disease is caused by plaque, which is bacteria.

Gum disease develops when the area around your teeth isn’t cleaned optimally, which results in the accumulation of bacteria and food debris. With time, bacteria build up and mature into more complex organisms, forming more advanced structures.

The body’s natural defense mechanism detects bacteria trying to invade the body, and it starts the inflammation reaction to recruit molecules to fight off the bacteria. The body rushes lots of blood to the gums to fight off the infection, causing gums to become puffy, red, and swollen. In addition, the gum moves away from the tooth to avoid the bacteria, resulting in a ‘pocket.’

This dead space (pocket) allows bacteria to move underneath the gum and occupy the space there. As the space underneath the gum is hard to reach, so the bacteria stay there, multiplying and causing issues.

How Common is Gum Disease?

How Common is Gum Disease

Gum disease is prevalent. It’s one of the most common diseases affecting humans worldwide. One recent study concluded that 47% of the USA’s population had gum disease. The study found that 30% had moderate gum disease, and 8% had severe periodontal disease.

Signs of Gum Disease

Before we go into finding the answer for ‘is gum disease curable’, let’s first go through its common symptoms. Some general signs of gum disease are listed below. Do note that some of these signs may only become apparent in the later stages:

Complications Of Periodontal Disease

Most common complications are mentioned above. However, the biggest issue is that gum disease will ultimately lead to tooth loss, which can have profound implications for your quality of life. Once you lose teeth, you’ll realize their importance for eating, speaking, and cosmetics.

The bacteria in the mouth can infect your bloodstream, causing significant problems in your whole body. Periodontal disease can cause severe problems like joint complications, diabetes, premature births, strokes, kidney disease, and heart attacks.

Recent evidence emerging shows a link with Alzheimer’s as well. Plenty of evidence suggests that patients who maintain their gum health can improve their blood sugar levels, helping treat diabetic conditions.

Keep in mind that gum disease is not contagious.

So How Do I Cure Periodontal Disease?

So How Do I Cure Periodontal Disease?

Gum disease can be cured. Treating periodontal disease is all about removing bacteria from your mouth and allowing the gums to heal back to a healthy state. The first step to getting rid of gum disease is getting the proper education to clean your teeth effectively at home.

We, at University Ave Dental, usually do the following to cure gum disease that has reached advanced state:

Is Gum Disease Curable at Home?

As mentioned above, home care is essential. For those wondering ‘is gum disease curable at home’, do note that you will need to use small brushes (interproximal brushes) to clean between your teeth daily and adopt good tooth brushing habits.

Unfortunately, once you have gum disease, it’s impossible to clean all the infected areas, and you will need to go to a professional such as a hygienist or dentist.

Risk Factors for Gum Disease

Smoking – Smoking is a significant risk factor. You must consider giving up altogether or cutting down if it applies to you. The more you smoke, the worse it is for your gums, which will impact the gum treatment’s success.

Diabetes – If you’re a diabetic patient and your blood sugar levels aren’t in control, you will have a higher risk of problems with your gums.

How to Prevent Periodontal Disease

To prevent periodontal disease, you must maintain good oral hygiene and refrain from smoking. Also, you need to visit an excellent hygienist at least every six months.

Get Best Gum Disease Treatment at University Ave Dental!

The root cause of gum disease is the bacteria inside your mouth, and it can be cured if treated in its early stage. If you’re also experiencing the problem of bleeding gums or bad breath and searching for a general dentist in Blaine, MN, you can visit University Ave Dental. Our team of specialists will help you in curing gum disease. Book an appointment now by calling us at 763.784.1242 or writing to us