Top 5 Dental Crown Problems and How to Fix Them

dental crown problems

Dental crowns significantly enhance the function and appearance of a damaged tooth. However, like any dental care solution, dental crowns can sometimes have concerns. From sensitivity to chipping and even loosening, these complications can affect the longevity and effectiveness of your crown. 

Understanding these common dental crown problems and how to fix them is crucial to ensuring your crown remains in good condition for many years. 

This blog discusses the top five dental crown complications and their solutions.

dental crown

Top 5 Dental Crown Problems and Solutions

1. Tooth Sensitivity 

Problem: Some patients experience tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages after getting a dental crown. This occurs because the tooth beneath the crown is sensitive from the placement process or does not fit well. Sensitivity occurs as the underlying tooth or root is exposed to temperature changes.


  • To minimize sensitivity, use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. These kinds of toothpaste contain ingredients that hinder the transfer of signals from the tooth’s surface to the nerve. 
  • If sensitivity persists, your dentist may prescribe a fluoride gel or mouthwash to strengthen the enamel. Adjusting the fit of the crown may also be necessary to reduce sensitivity.

Tooth Sensitivity

2. Crown Chipping or Fracture 

Problem: Dental crowns are made to be long-lasting, though they can chip or fracture, especially those made of porcelain. This can occur due to injury, bruxism, or chewing on hard foods.


  • If you observe a chip or a crack on your crown, visit your dentist as soon as possible. 
  • Small cracks can be treated with a composite material. 
  • For more pronounced damage, the crown may need to be replaced entirely. It is recommended to avoid biting on hard things and to get a mouthguard if you grind your teeth at night. 

Crown Chipping

3. Dark Line along the Gum 

Problem: A dark line may appear along the gum of a crowned tooth, particularly with porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. This occurs as the gums recede, exposing the crown’s metallic structure.


  • A metallic base in the PFM crown results in a dark line at the cervical margin that can be considered cosmetically undesirable.
  • To solve this dental crown problem, opt for an all-ceramic or all-porcelain crown without a metal substructure. 
  • Your dentist can also recommend maintaining your gums to avoid further recession.

4. Loose Crown 

Problem: A crown can become loose due to decay of underlying teeth, washing out of cement, or an accident. A loose crown may allow bacteria into the area between the crown and the tooth, resulting in tooth decay or an infection. 


  • If your crown is loose, visit your dentist immediately. 
  • If needed, the dentist will examine for decay, clean the area, and re-cement the crown. 
  • A new crown may be needed if the underlying teeth are severely destructed or you have a damaged crown. 
  • Regular dental check-ups can aid in detecting and preventing dental crown problems before they cause the crown to loosen.

Loose Crown

5. Crown Falling Off 

Problem: The crown might be lost due to increasing decay under the crown. This needs intervention before further damage and discomfort occur to the underlying tooth. 


  • If your crown is detached, it is advised that you keep it clean and safe with you and also see your dentist through an appointment. 
  • Temporary dental cement is available at pharmacies; it can be used to temporarily fix the crown to the tooth before seeing a dentist. 
  • Same-day crowns can be preferred to reduce the number of appointments in emergencies. 
  • Regular checkups and proper brushing of teeth can reduce the chances of a crown coming off or loosening. 


Dental crowns are an effective solution for treating damaged teeth, but they can be challenging. By understanding common dental crown problems like sensitivity, chipping, loose crowns, dark lines, and falling crowns, you can better manage and address these issues. 

Proper care, including daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, will help ensure your crown lasts for years.

Want to learn more about same-day crowns? Let professionals help you.

Visit University Ave Dental for expert dental solutions. Our experienced team will guide you through your oral health concerns. Schedule your appointment today for the best dental crown options, or contact us at 7637841242

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